What is financial life coaching?
My service helps people like you to get yourself a firmer financial footing. It isn't designed for the super-rich, with big piles of cash to invest and huge incomes to protect...I'm sure they're lovely, but they don't really need what I'm offering! My service is for people like you: people who want to do the best for themselves, their families, and their future, but don't really know where to start.

There is a huge range of personal finance information out there, and much of it contains solid advice. But what if you're too busy or too overwhelmed to read it all? Or what if you do read it, then think, "Ok...but what about me personally? How am I supposed to apply all this stuff to my own situation?"
That's where I come in. My financial coaching service is fully tailored to you, and you alone. We start with your goals, your aspirations, your big scary dreams. I won't tell you to buy a house and double down at your 9 to 5 job, if what you really want to do with your life is travel the world and live out of your backpack. Want to spend your money collecting comics and going to cosplay conventions? Great, let's make it happen. Oh, and I won't tell you to forgo your morning Starbucks, if coffee is life to you!

Over the coming months, I'll be launching a range of services on my website. For those of you who want that personal service and helping hand, there will be one-to-one coaching (or one-to-two for couples). This can be delivered face-to-face around the Kent area, or online, so you can "meet" me from your sofa.
There will be group low-cost webinars launching very soon, where I'll spend around 90 minutes taking you through one key area of personal finance - budgeting, saving, pensions and so on - and you'll be able to ask me questions. You will come away with real actions for what you need to do in these areas - practical steps that you understand and can put into practice right away. And the webinars will also be a great way to get to know my style, if you think you might need a little additional personal help further down the line.
If you're an employer, I also run group events on similar topics to the webinars. These can be fully tailored to cover any personal finance topics the group wants to know about, and are an amazing way for employers to give staff a 'perk' that will really help them and genuinely make them happier. If you are a community group or similar, I can run these events for you too, so please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Don't forget to follow this blog and my Facebook page through the link below. That way you'll be the first to know when new products and services that might help you are launched.
Coming next - webinars! Watch this space...
